P11d private medical insurance costs to you
At first glance, it may seem to all those who are not on the subject that corporate insurance is a certain, separate type of insurance. In fact, it is a certain complex of insurance services, which an insurance company provides to its corporate client. The status of a corporate client is given to those legal entities or businesses that buy services or goods from the company on a large scale. Since for most companies it is the corporate clients that are the main part of their business, finding and then keeping such clients in their orbit is their main task. How much does P11d private medical insurance cost to you? Let’s try to get to the bottom of this question.
What expenses go on a P11D?
Essentially, anything the company pays or buys for the direct benefit of an employee, should be included. Other examples might include the cost of living accommodation, private medical insurance, or gym memberships. At first glance, it may seem that corporate insurance benefits employees more than the owners of the companies they work for, but after a closer look, it becomes clear that paid health insurance benefits employers and employees alike. On the one hand, business owners pay a lot of money for insurance policies for their employees, but on the other hand, they receive quite tangible benefits.
The benefits to the company
- more loyal and motivated employees, reduced employee turnover;
- reduction of various unplanned expenditure budgets, including financial aid to employees in case of illness;
- minimization of time spent on visits to various medical institutions;
- minimization of the days of absence of the employees to the enterprise due to their incapacity for work;
- gaining an image in the labor market as a modern employer who cares about the health of its employees.
Benefits for employees
- the opportunity to insure not only themselves but also their family members for a certain period of time on corporate terms;
- no need to spend time visiting medical institutions;
- the opportunity to receive certain medical services provided by the best medical institutions;
- provision of medical assistance and consultations around the clock, throughout the year;
- the ability to monitor the quality of the medical services offered;
- consulting support and support of the insurance company’s curators during the period of treatment of the employee.